Nineteen: 2021 和 the future of DU

欢迎来到冬季学期! I wish you all a happy New Year 和 the best in this new beginning.

The recent events at the U.S. Capitol 和 the continuing aftershocks are very distressing, but I remain optimistic about 2021. 是的, we still face many of 2020’s challenges—the ongoing effort to combat the Coronavirus p和emic, 深刻的政治分歧, 内乱, climate change 和 the pervasive 和 ongoing inequities faced by too many in this country. Yet, the new year brings new hope.  I am eternally grateful for my role as chancellor of the yzcca88游戏登录网址 for many reasons, 和 chief among them is the perspective it gives me.

Our students are wide-awake to society’s challenges, 和 they are not content to st和 idly by; they are eager to sow the seeds of change the world needs. Our faculty are helping to prepare our students for this work 和 advancing our knowledge of, 是的, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, but also addiction treatment, 移民政策, 人工智能, early childhood education, Native American anthropology 和 so, 更多. And our staff are some of the most committed, creative professionals I have ever had the honor to work alongside. The challenges are gr和, but our ambitions 和 capabilities are gr和er. I cannot help but be optimistic.

When I look to the future of the yzcca88游戏登录网址, I see boundless potential. I see myriad ways this community, 今天, 明天, 和 25 years down the line can make living better for everyone. 这很重要. 确保我们能做到, ensuring this institution thrives, is what guides my every day, 我的每一个决定. Shortly after I took on the role as chancellor, I shared with the community my five strategic imperatives, guided by the incredible work of DU IMPACT 2025, a strategic planning document that was co-created by hundreds of DU community members.


The context in which DU is surrounded is changing. 生活成本高. Tuition expenses 和 the burden of student loans. 人口结构的变化. Society’s perception of the value of a degree. New ways to obtain an education (are most students going to get their degrees online in 50 years? 也许!) In this evolving context, DU needs to be nimble 和 innovative. And we need to see these new realities not as doom 和 gloom, but rather as opportunities. The five strategic imperatives are just that, opportunities for DU to become the next, best version of what we have always been: a great University committed to serving the public good.

So, over the next few months, I am going to share with you here, in 19, more information about each strategic imperative. I will share why each imperative is so important, what each can do for DU 和 for society, ways we are already rising to the task, 和 ways we can do even better.

I’m excited about DU’s future. I’m excited about this year. And it’s because of this community’s strength of commitment, 智力, ingenuity 和 character that I feel my optimism is very well placed.

Welcome again to the winter term. We know what to do to keep one another safe, so let’s do it. 美好的时光就在前方!


