设备 & 财产

Commitments to match funds from external sponsors for the purpose of purchasing equipment may be made by the 系主任, 院长, the Senior Vice Provost for Research 和 Graduate Education, or a university employee who has fiscal responsibility for university non-restricted funds. Such commitments are considered cost-sharing. Authorization from these individuals is required prior to proposing any commitments, 和 these individuals will need to consider such commitments in their budget planning processes.

  • 设备匹配政策

    Commitments to match funds from external sponsors for the purpose of purchasing equipment may be made by the 系主任, 院长, the Vice Provost for Research or a university employee who has fiscal responsibility for university non-restricted funds. Such commitments are considered cost-sharing. Authorization from these individuals is required prior to proposing any commitments, 和 these individuals will need to consider such commitments in their budget planning processes.

  • 程序
    • When a proposal is prepared, the PI shall work with ORSP to identify cost-shared expenses.
    • If a match for equipment is required, the PI shall obtain commitments from the 系主任, 迪安 和/or the Vice Provost for Research. Commitments shall be indicated on the ORSP Proposal Review & Approval (PRA) Form by noting the amount, fund/org, expected fiscal year of expense 和 signature.
    • The Director of ORSP shall track 和 report such commitments to the Vice Provost for Research as requested.
    • 授予补助金后, ORSP shall communicate to the PI 和 部门管理员 the amount that is reserved for match 和 the fiscal year. The PI/部门管理员 shall confirm expected purchase(s) by indicating the DU purchase order number(s) 和 returning to ORSP.
    • The equipment shall be purchased from departmental funds.
    • The department shall submit invoice(s) that have been paid to the ORSP导演 for reimbursement to their department fund/org.
    • The ORSP导演 shall notify the Controller’s Office to make the appropriate budget transfer 和 shall report on equipment matching transaction activity to the Vice Provost for Research.
  • 角色 & 责任

    Principal Investigators are responsible for:

    • Obtaining approval for matching commitments from the persons responsible for providing the funds
    • Making the equipment purchase through his/her 部门管理员

    迪安/系主任/Vice Provost for Research shall approve/disapprove the use of their departmental/division non-restricted funds for equipment match purposes. Such decisions need to be considered in budget planning processes.


    • Processes requests for equipment purchases as approved by PI / 系主任 / 迪安
    • Submits invoice(s) that have been paid against departmental funds to the ORSP导演 for reimbursement of matching funds committed by the Vice Provost for Research

    研究处 & 赞助计划(ORSP)

    • Works with PI to identify matching commitments needed for grant proposal
    • Assures that each commitment is approved by the appropriate person (ie, 系主任, 迪安, 和/or Vice Provost for Research)
    • Communicates instructions to PI 和 部门管理员 when award is received


    • Tracks 和 report cost-sharing commitments to the Vice Provost for Research
    • Obtains VPR authorization for budget transfers to cover reimbursements to departments
    • Communicates authorizations to Controller’s Office.

    The Controller's Office shall input budget transfers for reimbursement of equipment purchases as authorized by the Vice Provost for Research.