

可持续发展的工作不会在真空中发生, 它也不会落入任何一个人的手中, 大学系或分部. 为了让我们成功地创造一个公正和可持续发展的校园, 我们需要每个人的帮助和专业知识. 以下是可持续发展的主要校园合作伙伴, 继续朝着2025年及以后的目标迈进.



The 可持续发展委员会 was founded as a shared governance body made up of faculty, 工作人员, students 和 administrators who knew that DU had to take action on sustainability. 多年来, 这个组织是一个开放的组织,欢迎所有人, 所有的声音都能被平等地听到, 也在这里讨论和辩论杜克大学更大的可持续发展战略. 加入我们的季度会议,帮助塑造杜可持续发展的未来. 



DU Gr和 Challenges标志

ca88登录正确网址挑战带来了师资力量, 工作人员 和 students together with diverse regional community leaders in DUGC Collective Impact Cohorts to carry out initiatives that spark systematic positive change. 四个DUGC队列现在专注于实现不同的结果.  DUGC城市可持续发展队列, 这个期望的结果是:“丹佛地区只支持, 包容, 以及人与自然繁荣的繁荣社区.




The 可持续发展中心 is a hub for sustainability activities 和 项目 at DU, 也是可持续发展实习项目的所在地. The 可持续发展中心 manages over 20 unique sustainability 项目 which work to create a more just 和 sustainable future for the DU 和 Denver community, seeks to build connections between students' co-curricular 和 classroom experiences, 并有助于培养一个植根于激情的协作社区, 创造力和实际成果.



USG SusCom标志

The 政府可持续发展委员会 (SusCom) manages the Green Fee that is collected from all undergraduate students as a part of their student activity fee. 由一名当选的美国政府参议员和一名非美国政府学生组成的联合主席监督, SusCom is open to all students who want to have a voice in how the Green Fee is spent each year. Any student or student group at DU is able to apply for funding for SusCom in order to implement projects, 项目, 以及推进杜克大学可持续发展目标的活动.



  • 房屋及住宿教育(HRE)

    作为学生在ca88登录正确网址的第一个家和社区, 房屋及住宿教育(HRE) plays a central role in educating 和 engaging students in intentional 和 sustainable living. HRE partners closely with the 可持续发展中心 to ensure both move-in 和 move-out produce less waste, 和 with Custodial Services to provide recycling bins in all resident rooms 和 compost 和 recycling in the lobbies of every residence hall. HRE和设施确保建筑物尽可能高效. 

    另外, HRE sponsors numerous 项目 to increase awareness 和 educate about sustainable personal lifestyle choices. 教育公告栏和大厅会议讨论浪费问题, 能源, 水和运输的最佳实践. 由社区机构主办的社区范围的项目让居民参与如何可持续地生活.

    了解更多yzcca88游戏登录网址HRE的可持续发展倡议 在这里.

  • 丹佛餐饮由索迪斯

    作为DU的签约餐饮服务供应商, 索迪斯致力于确保我们在校园吃的食物营养丰富,美味可口, 和 they have set aggressive goals toward local 和 sustainable sourcing 和 disposal. 为此目的, 索迪斯于2014年签署了“真正的食物挑战”, 和 met its goal to serve 20% Real 食物 (local 和 sustainably sourced) in the dining halls. 索迪斯也参与了创建 可持续粮食政策杜,继续推动所有优质服务的可持续实践.

    除此之外, Sodexo has implemented several 项目 to reduce waste in the dining halls 和 kitchens, as well as being key partners in alleviating food insecurity at DU through their generous support of the DU 食物 Pantry 和 the 消除饥饿 程序.

    了解更多有关索迪斯可持续发展计划的信息 在这里.

  • 泊车及流动服务

    泊车及流动服务’ mission is to help the DU community get to, from 和 around campus. They provide a myriad of options that make getting out of your single occupancy vehicle (SOV) affordable 和 convenient. They register bikes to help keep them safe from theft 和 run a campus shuttle that improves connections to light rail 和 moves people quickly across campus 和 to community amenities. 泊车及流动服务 is dedicated to making alternative transportation the norm at DU. 

    阅读所有的停车和移动服务的可持续发展计划 在这里.

  • 爱玛客保管服务

    Custodial Services play a central role in DU’s goals of becoming a zero waste campus by 2035. 如果没有我们的管理员,我们的垃圾最终不会被回收或堆肥. Custodial Services is leading the way in green cleaning practices, reducing chemicals 和 allergens. 

    除此之外, 爱玛客是DU食品储藏室的主要资金支持者, a 程序 that ensures everyone in the DU Community has food to eat when they aren’t sure w在这里 their next meal might come from. 

    了解更多有关保管处的工作 在这里.

  • Pioneer@Work

    遵循DU Impact 2025的变革方向四, 杜里正在推进我们的制度结构,变得更加灵活和
    网络与 Pioneer@Workca88登录正确网址人才管理平台. Pioneer@Work推出了我们最新的模块, 学习管理系统, 2020年8月, 该系统赋予员工寻找学习机会的权利, 比如有教师指导的课程, 电子学习, 和16,000领英学习课程. You may have experienced this powerful platform as you completed the DEI training or 教师 Institute for Inclusive Teaching (FIIT). 该平台目前在ca88登录正确网址开设了可持续发展课程. 以可持续发展委员会成员为目标, these core sessions 和 associated playlist of mini workshops is open to anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge of sustainability 和 how this work looks at DU..

    作为员工福利的一部分, Human Resources 和 Inclusive Community (HRIC) also provides an RTD transit EcoPass to all full-time employees. This benefit allows full access to the transit system, making commuting easier 和 stress-free.

    在Pioneer@Work了解更多yzcca88游戏登录网址可持续发展课程的信息 在这里

  • 安德森学术共享(AAC)

    The LEED Silver-certified 安德森学术共享(AAC) has had a 可持续性 Committee since 2014. 它对全体教员开放, 工作人员 和 student employees of any library or academic support unit housed in the AAC. AAC定期赞助电影, 面板, 教职工培训, 特别活动, 以及季度零废物总决赛活动,包括奖励和垃圾转移游戏. 得到广大楼宇用户的支持, the AAC has the best day-in-day-out waste diversion rate on the DU campus: 69 percent of its waste was kept out of the l和fill stream on its most recent waste audit. The AAC frequently co-sponsors events with the 可持续发展中心 和 other groups, 并赞助了一个团队来照料桥社区花园的两块地块. 了解更多 这里是ca88登录正确网址的项目. 

    大学图书馆保存了大量的政策资料, scientific 和 popular environmental publications for the use of the DU Community. 我们图书馆yzcca88游戏登录网址可持续发展主题的研究指南如下 可以在这里.

  • 健康与咨询中心

    Well-being is the on-going process of reflecting on 和 engaging with your values 和 actions to help you thrive now 和 into the future, 和 it is the mission of Health Promotion 和 the 健康与咨询中心 to ensure that everyone at DU is able to be well. Among the eight dimensions of well-being that Health Promotion has identified is 环境al Well-Being, which describes a safe 和 sustainable environment as crucial to personal well-being. Living a more sustainable life can improve health — both physical 和 mental — 和 the HCC works to make these connections as students navigate the dem和s of college life.

    阅读更多yzcca88游戏登录网址幸福的8个维度 在这里.